About The 5th District Democrats

The 5th Congressional District of North Carolina encompasses all or part of 12 counties in Northwest North Carolina. The counties included are: Alexander, Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Catawba, Forsyth, Stokes, Surry, Watauga, Wilkes and Yadkin. They include small towns, rural areas, moderately sized cities and communities in which families, retirees, students and businesses all exist together.
We are a district that believes in inclusiveness, diversity, and compassion. We are a district that promotes educational excellence, economic opportunities for all, social justice, and individual responsibility. Because of our values, we in the 5th Congressional District will provide avenues for the free and open expression of diverse ideas and opinions, including the right of everyone to dissent.
We shall work to promote government that is responsive to the legitimate needs, interests, and aspirations of every human being in a manner that does not diminish human dignity or those fundamental rights, which are the birthright of all people of a free and democratic nation. We, therefore, strongly support the Bill of Rights and oppose any frivolous or malicious amendments.
We, as District Five Democrats, seize this agenda and vigilantly defend our historic Democratic heritage. We will not abdicate our role as a district of action or a district of progress in this state. The lives and livelihoods of the people of this district and this state are our sacred trust.
We will act boldly • We will act decisively • We will act in unity
We specifically envision the creation of a district, state, and nation which promotes:
Economic opportunity and security for every citizen
Equal rights regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, religion, physical challenges, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Quality, universal and free public education for every student
Quality, well rounded, higher education that is accessible to all and is as free as practicable.
Access to high quality, affordable healthcare for every citizen
The protection of individual liberties
Safety and security for all Americans
A clean and safe natural environment that protects our air, land and water for generations to come.
A more sustainable society to preserve our region for future generations.
A commitment to support the men and women of our Armed Forces and our veterans.
The mission of the 5th Congressional District Democratic Party is to elect a Democratic member of Congress and to assist and strengthen the county parties of the district.
We seek to accomplish this mission through the following goals:
Elect a Democratic member of Congress
Increase the number of Democratic state legislators elected within the 5th District.
Increase the number of Democratic county and municipal elected officials within the 5th District.
Increase Democratic Voter registration within the 5th District.
Improve the outreach & communication within the 5th District.
Increase participation of young voters within the 5th District.
Assist county parties within the 5th District with training, planning, and more.
Assist the formulation of party auxiliary groups in every county to serve a wide variety of voter